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Digital Principles New Evaluation Suite of Resources

The Digital Principles Program has released a suite of new resources: the Digital Principles Focused Evaluation, the Digital Principles Organizational Self-Assessment, and the Digital Principles Indicator Library. The Digital Principles Focused Evaluation allows organizations to evaluate principles focused initiatives using a structured evaluation process. The Digital Principles Indicator Library provides organizations indicators to more concretely assess their application of the principles. Whereas the Digital Principles Organizational Self-Assessment provides a starting point to the self-evaluation process. All of these tools encourage organizations to deepen their engagement with the Digital Principles.

Digital Principles Maturity Matrix for Program Design and Proposal Evaluation

The Digital Principles Maturity Matrix is an interactive tool to better align proposal evaluation with the Principles for Digital Development throughout all phases of the project lifecycle. By creating a living, dynamic rubric of detailed statements tied to specific activities, donors can better realize the full potential of the Digital Principles, as well as provide clear guidance to potential partners as to how priorities are identified and assessed. The goal of the Maturity Matrix is not to retroactively score proposals, but rather to enable a conversation between donors and practitioners to better align processes with the promise of the Digital Principles. 

Digital Health Investment Review Tool (DHIRT)

Too often digital health investments are made without the time or resources to develop a deep technical knowledge of the information and communications technologies behind them, or the ecosystem in which these technologies are used. The goal of the Digital Health Investment Review Tool is to provide high-level guidance based on widely-accepted best practices such as the Principles for Digital Development and the Donor Investment Principles that can be used to support strategic investments in the use of digital technologies to support public and global health. Learn more by clicking any of the links or photo above.

USAID Digital Investment Tool

The Digital Investment Tool is intended to support USAID staff in concretely integrating the Principles for Digital Development(link is external) into programmatic digital systems through a participatory process with relevant stakeholders. The tool can be used throughout the program cycle, but is tailored for use during work planning and implementation. Use of this resource will support robust development of digital systems that are effective, sustainable, and support the self-reliance of local partners that own and operate these systems. The Digital Investment Tool will be most useful to technical staff, such as mission-based or mission-facing ICT advisors, who have background knowledge of digital technology use in USAID activities and will facilitate the participatory and prioritization processes presented in the resource. The Development Informatics team ( is available to help support your use of this resource.