Principles for Digital Development Advisory Council: Terms of Reference

DIAL is forming a Principles for Digital Development Advisory Council. The objectives of the Council are to provide expert advice and guidance to shape the evolution of the Digital Principles and to reinforce DIAL’s accountability to the community, to ensure DIAL is fulfilling its responsibilities as stewards and responding to the shifting needs in the digital development community.

The Advisory Council will be made up of representatives across different sectors, geographies, and organizational types. These individuals will have the respect and confidence of their fellow development practitioners in order to represent their multiple voices, needs, and desires for the Digital Principles.

The Advisory Council serves first and foremost as a consultative body, guiding and providing input into the work that DIAL is either working on, or proposing to begin, related to the Principles for Digital Development. Advisory Council members will:

• Review and provide feedback on annual plans for the Digital Principles, including on priority areas for guidance materials and community engagement;
• Serve as champions promoting adoption of the Digital Principles to existing and new audiences in their respective communities;
• Lend expertise and provide recommendations on specific topics, as needed; and
• Provide hands-on collaboration on specific programs, such as identifying speakers for Digital Principles events, as needed.

Advisory Council members will participate in two semi-annual meetings as volunteers and without compensation (other than reimbursement for any required travel to the one in-person meeting held each year).

Funded by its donors to serve as stewards, DIAL will retain budgetary and programmatic oversight and responsibility of the Digital Principles. However, the Advisory Council will play a vital role in shaping the work DIAL chooses to take on in this role.

Read the full Terms of Reference by clicking the link below.