USAID Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA) Toolkit
The DECA Toolkit is a step-by-step guide designed to help USAID Mission staff hire and manage a research team to independently conduct high-quality research. DECA findings and recommendations will directly inform Mission decision-making about digital development at both strategic and programmatic levels.
Once a Mission decides to conduct a DECA, it will form a Mission DECA Team, responsible for managing the process. The Mission DECA Team will hire a DECA Research Team to carry out the assessment. The Toolkit details guidance for both of these teams and is divided into three sections:
Introduction: provides an overview of the DECA purpose and process;
Mission’s Guide to Managing a DECA: describes the Mission’s recommended roles and responsibilities, and offers guidance on how to plan for, procure, and manage a DECA;
Research Guide: details how to execute a DECA including guidelines, best practices, and templates for each DECA phase: desk research and planning, interviews, and analysis and report writing.
The Toolkit also includes easy-to-follow templates and a research checklist. For quick access to direct links, download Appendix D.