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junio 23, 2021

[CROSS-POST] Putting the Principles to the Test: Exploring the Causality between Digital Training and Digital Transformation

This article was originally published on June 17, 2021 on the Digital Impact Alliance website. The Principles for Digital Development are commonly touted as best practice guidelines in digital development, but do they support digital capacity building, and in turn, national digital transformation? This year, with backing from the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office…

junio 3, 2021

[CROSS POST] 8 Effective Practices for Inclusive Digital Development

This article was originally published on June 1st, 2021 on the Amplio website. Revi Sterling, director of USAID’s WomenConnect Challenge, says women are the key to successful digital development. We asked her to share some best practices for designing inclusive, tech-based programs for women and vulnerable populations. Here’s what she said.…

mayo 6, 2021

[CROSS POST] How To Harness the Power of Digital Technologies for Non-Profits

The Ersilia Open Source Initiative (EOSI) is a non-profit organization with the mission to strengthen research capacity against infectious and neglected diseases. To this end, we leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) methods to improve the drug discovery pipelines. Essentially, by testing more molecules in less time, these…

abril 23, 2021

[CROSS POST]- Be Collaborative

This article was originally published on the Catholic Relief Services website. Be Collaborative: Time is up for just talking the talk… “Being collaborative means sharing information, insights, strategies and resources across projects, organizations and sectors, leading to increased efficiency and impact” (DIAL). This Principle for Digital Development brings all the others together…

abril 23, 2021

[CROSS-POST] Adhesión a los Principios para el Desarrollo Digital

Este artículo se publicó originalmente en el sitio web de Sofis Solutions el April 13, 2021 El desarrollo tecnológico se integra cada vez más en las operaciones de los sectores como salud, educación, agricultura, entre otros. A través de este, se mejora la interacción con los ciudadanos, otorgando mayores oportunidades a…

febrero 5, 2021

Introducing the Digital Principles Advisory Council for 2021-2023

The Principles for Digital Development champion cross-sector collaboration, open knowledge sharing, and community-driven solutions. Since assuming stewardship in 2016, we’ve strived to live these values in practice, knowing the most effective way to respond to the rapidly evolving needs and gaps in the digital ecosystem was to work directly with individuals that make up our community. Thus, in 2018, the team established the first…

enero 28, 2021

[CROSS-POST] The 9 principles of digital development, for a better impact of projects

This article was originally published on January 21, 2021 on Journal du Net. A group of development experts and practitioners, from several international organizations including Unicef, UNDP, WHO, WB, undertook to bring together good practices for the success of digital development. Digital has become omnipresent in our life and influences…

enero 10, 2021

Be collaborative and digital

This post was originally published on the “digi-musings on education” website on January 3, 2021. Its 2021. In 2020, we started the year talking about the challenges for education in connection to digital transformation and the UN sustainable development goals, but then Covid-19 happened. It focussed attention on digital learning, as opportunities for physical…

diciembre 22, 2020

Hindsight is 2020: Reflecting on the Digital Principles This Year and Ahead

It’s said that hindsight is 2020 and as I reflect on the past year, that phrase resonates more deeply than it used to. The Principles for Digital Development team accomplished many programmatic objectives in spite of the adversities over the past twelve months: we produced several new resources meant to help international development practitioners better embed the Principles in project design, hosted numerous workshops and trainings for…

noviembre 10, 2020

Open Nomination Period for the Digital Principles Advisory Council (2021-2023)

Today, the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) announced the open nomination period for the second Digital Principles Advisory Council. The Advisory Council is intended to serve as an independent consultative body to DIAL and will provide guidance to shape the evolution of the Digital Principles, offer input into objectives and project investments, and reinforce DIAL’s accountability and responsibilities…

septiembre 25, 2020

The Free, Self-Paced “Introduction to the Digital Principles” Course is Available Now!

As a global public good, the Principles for Digital Development team continuously seeks new ways to ensure resources and learning materials are accessible to our global network. It’s been an incredible journey as we have grown from an initial community comprised of 54 Global North organizations to now  over 230 organizations from nearly every region of the world. Duly, building a common understanding of what the…