Collaborate to Innovate: Stick to the Principles of Digital Development
By Jamie Findlater, TechCamp
What if all the major players in the tech for social good space got together and created a road map that you could use when designing and implementing your ideas from TechCamp? Take a Look – The Principles for Digital Development– is a great common sense guide for TechCamp participants past and future.
For those who have yet to participate in TechCamp – the main goal is for the users of the tools who work closely with the challenges on the ground to play an intimate role in shaping the solution. Check out principle #1, which is the main idea behind Techcamp – “Design with the User.” There’s no argument that getting the right people in the room that truly understand the challenge and how technology could assist is essential. Pinpointing the exact part of the challenge by users is the easiest way to increase efficiency. It’s not the tech person guru that understands the application, but more typically the more technologically skeptical or those who lack exposure to new tools that might in the end have the deepest knowledge of how a solution or strategy should be designed.
Click here to view the entire article on the TechCamp website.