septiembre 24, 2020

Digital opportunities and challenges to face the new reality



Technology, Innovation and Cooperation for Social Impact is a space for the exchange of knowledge and experiences and an unmissable event for the dialogue of ideas and voices around #4RI and, on this occasion, of the new due to COVID-19.

COVID-19 changed our way of relating, communicating and working. The socioeconomic impacts have been profound and, to mitigate them, many organizations and companies have taken their processes to the digital environment seeking to continue with their projects and sustain their levels of productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.

Knowing the basics to function in the digital environment became a necessity to survive these times; It is almost a condition for people, organizations and companies to adapt to the new reality that is taking shape, since technology and ICT have become fundamental. How do we use them to generate development, to promote equity or to recover society after this crisis?

COVID-19 has also brought a series of challenges and opportunities for all sectors. What are these challenges? How prepared are organizations and companies to face them? What are the necessary skills in these times?

These questions will guide the spaces that we will share in the TICSO 2020 version.


MAKAIA is a non-profit created and based in Colombia. We strengthen capacities for social development through technology, innovation and international cooperation.

With our projects and programs, during 14 years, we have reached 21 departaments of Colombia and have presence in other 13 countries of Latin America benefiting 13.919 organizations and 53.054 people , with a social investment index of 1.6.



Ana María Vela Rey
Directora Comercial
Teléfonos: +57 (4) 4480374 +57 3006777297