Be Collaborative Guides


Independent Research Forum

This paper examines the potential—both opportunities and risks—for enhancing the role and effectiveness of multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) as a modality for scaling up innovation, resources and action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). MSPs (also referred to as cross-sector partnerships) span a wide and diverse array of institutional arrangements for expanding collaboration between government, business (and other private sector actors), civil society and/or UN and other multilateral agencies to address development challenges. The focus here is on global MSP mechanisms (that typically operate at multiple scales), which have become an increasingly important element of the international development architecture and feature strongly in the global dialogue on a post-2015 sustainable development agenda

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Locus is a movement focused on engaging those we serve, practitioners, the private sector, donors and government to drive adoption of locally owned, integrated solutions. Locus Partners will help further define what effective engagement models are, participate in building a shared evidence base for integrated solutions and engage government, NGOs, local communities and the private sector to ensure new solutions to old development challenges.

International Initiative for Impact Evaluation

3ie funds impact evaluations and systematic reviews that generate high quality evidence on what works in development and why. Evidence on development effectiveness can inform policy and improve the lives of poor people.