Co-creating Digital Development to Achieve Society 5.0 for SDGs

Download the JICA-Keidanren document (available in English or Japanese)

Table of Contents

  1. Message from JICA and Keidanren
  2. Introducing Keidanren and JICA Initiatives and Activities
    • Keidanren: Society 5.0 for SDGs
    • Japan’s ODA and JICA’s Assistance Modalities
    • Goals and Guiding Principles for Co-Creating Digital Development
    • Actions and Next Steps for Co-Creating Digital Development
  1. Overview of Use Cases for Co-creating Digital Development
    • (1) Guidance on Use Cases
    • (2) Overview of Use Cases by Category –
      • Category A: Digital Assessments and Related Activities for Institutions in Developing Countries; Category F: Digital Frontier Project; and Category C: Digital Components
  1. Reference Information
  1. Annex: Use Cases

Society 5.0 = A Creative Society

“Society 5.0” is our vision for the next stage in the social and economic evolution of human society. Society 5.0 represents a “Creative Society,” which follows previous social and economic revolutions, including Hunting, Agrarian, Industrial, and Information Societies. By integrating digital transformation with people’s ingenuity, we aim to introduce new solutions to social challenges.

Society 5.0 for SDGs

Society 5.0 aims to contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing social challenges and enabling the peaceful co-existence of machines and nature. At Keidanren, we are promoting the idea of “Society 5.0 for SDGs” by advocating for the beneficial adoption of digital technologies to increase global prosperity.


Urban and Rural Development: Realize diverse lifestyles through the development of independent, prosperous societies through the peaceful co-existence of humans and nature.

Disaster Risk Reduction: Use digital technologies to maintain and manage essential infrastructure and rapidly share vital information across organizations.

Financial Reforms: Efficiently allocate financial resources across societies.

Public Administration Reforms: Establish social safety-nets to protect communities.

Please visit JICA’s website (in Japanese) or Keidanren’s website (in English) for additional information.