Teamscope Endorsement of the Principles for Digital Development

Teamscope was born from a drawing on a table at a coworking space in Santiago, Chile 6 years ago. The spark that ignited this journey was the frustration I felt from a young emergency physician who was struggling with using paper forms when doing data collection for his clinical research.

I had no background on medical of field research; this was all new to me. As this doctor was sharing with me his story, I took out a marker, and we drew together on that table, the challenges that he faced.

I took a picture of that drawing and off I went into my journey to see if I could build a tool to help this young doctor better manage his research date.

I was ill-prepared and ill-equipped. The only tools in my backpack were the lean startup methodology and good-old listening. I used every bit of prototyping skills and persistence to quickly design and build with a team of developers a mobile app that would allow this doctor to design mobile forms and capture research data at the bedside — in a matter of months Teamscope was born.

Since then, we have supported thousands of researchers across the world, in both urban areas and rural and low-resource settings. As I look back on my journey the one thing that has helped me get this far, apart from being stubborn and naive, has been to work together with our users — to hand over the marker to them and let them draw with us.

It has helped to put ourselves in their shoes and understand the often stressful contexts in which they work and to build a solution that gives them the peace of mind that their data is protected.

It is for this reason that I am compelled to endorse the Principles for Digital Development and will seek to embody the concepts of the Digital Principles, represented in our company’s culture and the policies and processes guiding us.


Diego Menchaca

CEO & Founder at Teamscope

Diego Menchaca is the founder of Teamscope, a data collection app for clinical and field research. He has built his career providing data management support to organizations and clinical researchers that are struggling to capture and share data. Diego is passionate about the startup revolution and is an active contributor to the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Chile, the Netherlands, and Bhutan.