AI for Good Global Summit
We have less than 10 years to solve the SDGs and AI holds great promise. The AI for Good Global Summit is THE leading action-oriented, global & inclusive United Nations platform on AI. The Summit is organized by the ITU with XPRIZE Foundation, in partnership with UN Sister Agencies, Switzerland and ACM.
On behalf of ITU and XPRIZE Foundation, we would like to inform you that due to recent developments concerning COVID-19, we have decided not to host a physical event in Geneva and that the 2020 edition of the AI for Good Global Summit will go digital from now until the end of the year. The Summit will be presented as a continuous digital event, featuring weekly programming across multiple formats, platforms and time-zones, including keynotes, expert webinars, project pitches, Q&As, performances, demos, interviews, networking and more.
We see this as an opportunity to scale AI for Good conversations and reach even more people, supporting our goal of being the most diverse and inclusive platform around beneficial AI.
We have already begun, with the launch of the AI for Good Webinar series, drawing insights from leading experts for the AI for Good community on the latest developments and promising use cases of AI to help solve our global challenges. The first five episodes focused on global pandemic response and as the year progresses, we will make our way through the many confirmed AI for Good sessions and speakers from the 2020 Summit programming.
ITU and XPRIZE recognize that momentum has already begun to build in preparation for the Summit, and remain committed to providing you with meaningful content and experiences through this new digital platform. With a wider and more inclusive reach, as well as year-long visibility, our new format provides partners, speakers and supporters a much larger, more visible opportunity to connect problem owners with AI problem solvers and work together on actionable projects that shape the future of AI for Good.
We thank you for your interest in the Summit and encourage you to stay up to date on future programs and releases on our website.
We look forward to meeting you online!
Sign up for events and programs here