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septembre 15, 2020

Announcement: Digital Principles Director Allana Nelson’s Departure

Dear friends and community members, I learned during my brief stint as a journalist that you should never bury the lede, so here it is: After over three and a half years at DIAL overseeing the Digital Principles program, I will be leaving on September 25. Allana with former Principles Director, Carolyn Florey at a…

août 11, 2020

[Cross-Post] Principios de Desarrollo Digital: V uso adecuado de los datos

Este artículo se publicó originalmente en el sitio web de TecSalud  Según DIAL el quinto principio en el desarrollo digital es: Ser orientado a los datos. Ninguna cantidad de datos va acelerar el impacto en una iniciativa de desarrollo digital si dicha información no se utiliza para la toma de decisiones. Cuando…

août 3, 2020

[Cross Post] Principios de Desarrollo Digital: IV Construcción Sostenible

Este artículo se publicó originalmente en el sitio web de TecSalud el 28 de julio de 2020. Según DIAL el cuarto principio en el desarrollo digital es la construcción sostenible. Este principio hace referencia a construir programas sostenibles, plataformas y herramientas digitales que apoyen eficazmente a los usuarios así cómo maximizar su impacto…

août 3, 2020

[Cross Post] A Principled Approach to Rural Digital Transformation

This article was originally posted on DIAL’s website on July 30, 2020. Rural communities are disproportionally left behind when it comes to digital services, particularly in the fourth industrial revolution. Niger, which has a large rural population of 84 percent, wanted to ensure that its efforts to digital transformation reached and improved the lives…

juillet 27, 2020

9 Tech4Good Resources for 9 Digital Principles

A perk of working in the technology for development sector is that it seems like everyone is always innovating. Every day, a new blog, platform, tool, or resource is released, adding to the cornucopia of knowledge and invaluable lessoned learned to our fingertips.   However, the innovative nature of our sector can be one of our biggest challenges. The myriad of available resources and ideas generated can…

juillet 1, 2020

Pulse on the Principles: “From Dialogue to Action: Looking Inward for More Inclusive International Development »

The Principles for Digital Development work and advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion in international development projects. They were created with the belief that digital technologies can be the great equalizer if leveraged properly, and that begins with greater representation in technology.   However, intentional or not, racism and exclusionary practices…

juin 30, 2020

[Cross Post] The Tech4Good Field Guide

This article was originally posted on Gabriel Krieshok’s website on June 29, 2020. I wrote a Field Guide and I’m putting it out into the world in a few different formats, and just wanted to give a little heads-up if you or someone you know might find it useful. It’s a guide…

juin 18, 2020

[Cross-Post] Panagora Group Endorses the Principles for Digital Development

The announcement was originally posted on Panagora Group’s website on June 16, 2020. Panagora Group is proud to endorse the Principles for Digital Development, “nine living guidelines that are designed to help integrate best practices into technology-enabled programs and are intended to be updated and refined over time.” The USAID Digital Strategy,…

juin 18, 2020

Norad backs and funds the Digital Principles

For the Norwegian development sector, three crucial events took place in December 2019, bringing a digitized energy into the new decade. Firstly, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) organized its yearly conference, this time inviting more than 35 digital development experts on stage to discuss the sector’s opportunities, initiatives, and pitfalls in front of an audience counting 600 people. Secondly, the Norwegian government published…

juin 16, 2020

Digital Principles Training Landscape Report Overview

In 2019, the Principles for Digital Development team, in collaboration with Clear Outcomes and TechChange, sought to produce a research report to understand the greatest needs and gaps around the use of the Digital Principles. In addition, recommendations on how our team can deliver and improve trainings to our stakeholders were gathered, with the intention of using these findings to inform the future development of a Digital Principles training series.  …

juin 8, 2020

[Cross-Post] COVID-19 Exposes Digital Inequality among Young People

This article by Richard Dzikunu was originally posted on the Restless Development website on March 6, 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of digital access and the inequality holding back children in Sub-Saharan Africa, says Richard Dzikunu. As most countries are either in partial or complete lockdown, millions of people…

juin 5, 2020

[Official Statement] The Digital Principles team stands in solidarity with our Black colleagues, communities, and loved ones

Since their inception, the Principles for Digital Development have worked and advocated for diversity, equity, and inclusion in international development projects. They were created with the belief that digital technologies can be the great equalizer if leveraged properly, and that begins with greater representation in technology. Today, the Digital Principles…