mai 22, 2020
This article was originally posted on The Digital Impact Alliance’s website on May 22, 2020 For over a decade, the Principles for Digital Development have helped development practitioners enhance the design and efficacy of tech-enabled projects and programs, evolving alongside present needs and new innovations.In the Digital Impact Alliance’s (DIAL) role as steward of the Principles, we have aimed to highlight how…
mai 18, 2020
The Principles for Digital Development community aims to connect ICT4D, information technology, and international aid and humanitarian development practitioners with thoughtful curated content, relevant conversation and quality opportunities to improve their work. As a global public good, ensuring these resources are as accessible to as many audiences as possible is central…
avril 29, 2020
Technology Salons began in 2008 as an online forum where technology and development professionals and practitioners could share their insights and opinions on emerging trends in ICT, international development, digital trends, and everything in between. Over the years, Tech Salons have grown in size, topic range, and geography , becoming a staple means for the digital development community to participate in intimate and informal conversations. Recently, as…
mars 11, 2020
As technology has quickly evolved over the last five years, the digital development community’s approaches to using this technology have also changed. As such, we have developed new resources in partnership with TechChange with two major objectives: 1) To improve the ability of the Digital Principles community to thoughtfully apply multiple Principles to the topics that matter the most to them and 2) Enhance actors’ understanding of effective use of new/emerging technology…
mars 11, 2020
Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en el sitio web TecSalud Según DIAL el tercer principio a tener en cuenta en el Desarrollo Digital es el diseño a escala. La base de este principio es poder escalar los proyectos de desarrollo digital a otras comunidades o regiones más allá de la prueba piloto. Claramente,…
mars 4, 2020
Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en el sitio web TecSalud Queremos continuar hablando sobre la importancia de implementar los principios para el desarrollo digital en nuestros proyectos. Ya ahondamos en la importancia de diseñar con el usuario, ahora queremos hablar del segundo principio que expone DIAL: Entender el ecosistema existente. ¿Qué es?…
mars 4, 2020
Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en el sitio web TecSalud En la industria del desarrollo digital trabajamos por darle a la tecnología un sentido humanitario, que realmente mejore las condiciones de comunidades vulnerables. A través de buenas prácticas estamos seguros que podemos transformar la calidad de vida de personas en…
mars 3, 2020
The Principles for Digital Development team at the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) is pleased to welcome International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) to the Digital Principles community as the first private-sector company to endorse the principles. The Principles for Digital Development and IBM’s principles for trust and transparency align on several core values, such as data ownership, privacy,…
février 24, 2020
This post was originally posted on The Digital Impact Alliance’s website on February 20, 2020 On September 2018, the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) published the SDG Digital Investment Framework in partnership with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). This framework calls on governments, donors, technology providers, and development practitioners to take a whole-of-society[1] and…
février 19, 2020
Whether or not your programs are focused directly on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), many of your objectives likely align with them. Working in the development sector, there are an abundance of frameworks meant to aid us in doing development better and more thoughtfully. While oftentimes helpful, this can also leave practitioners feeling inundated with too many choices and confused as to how multiple frameworks work…
février 14, 2020
This post was originally posted on the ICTWorks blog. It was written as a response to Tony Roberts‘, of the Institute of Development Studies, post « Rebooting the Digital Principles. » The Principles for Digital Development are one of the most successful examples of collaboration and partnership in our industry. Created for development practitioners,…
février 10, 2020
Although the Principles for Digital Development were created to outline best practices in digital development, we are frequently asked how organizations can measure their own level of adoption and integration of the Principles in their projects and programs. As practitioners, we often know what we need to do, but do…