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janvier 7, 2020

[CROSS-POST] Opinion: NGOs can do more to stop wasting data. Here’s how.

Isaac Newton is quoted as saying, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” This mentality is, unfortunately, trailing behind our current age of digital scientific revolution. While our ability to collect immense amounts of data, conduct impressive analysis, and share it all over the world…

décembre 17, 2019

Digital Principles in 2019: Year in Review

As the Principles for Digital Development’s community has grown over the past five years, so has the demand for new products, resources, and tools to help digital development practitioners be more effective in their work. As steward, the Digital Principles team at DIAL has worked hard in 2019 to meet…

novembre 22, 2019

Welcoming the 200th Endorser to the Principles for Digital Development Community!

When the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) was named steward of the Principles for Digital Development in 2016, the team was tasked with helping digital development practitioners learn about and implement the Digital Principles successfully. Today, after three years of stewardship, DIAL is thrilled to welcome the 200th endorser, Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC),…

novembre 7, 2019

[CROSS-POST] ITE TIG Week: Digital Principles-Focused Evaluation Manifesto by Zach Tilton

This post was originally published on the AEA365 website on October 20, 2019. Hi, my name is Zach Tilton and I am a Doctoral Research Associate at Western Michigan University in the Interdisciplinary PhD in Evaluation program, the AEA representative to EvalYouth, and the Co-chair of the Integrating Technology into Evaluation Topical Interest Group.…

novembre 4, 2019

Leveraging the Digital Principles for the Sustainable Development Goals

On United Nations (UN) Day, October 24th, the UN celebrated its 74th anniversary. For 74 years, the UN has been dedicated to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations, achieving international cooperation, and being a center for harmonizing the actions of nations. In 2015, the UN General…

octobre 25, 2019

Teamscope Endorsement of the Principles for Digital Development

Teamscope was born from a drawing on a table at a coworking space in Santiago, Chile 6 years ago. The spark that ignited this journey was the frustration I felt from a young emergency physician who was struggling with using paper forms when doing data collection for his clinical research.…

octobre 25, 2019

[CROSS-POST] Simplicity in development programmes paves the path to success

This post was originally published on the Teamscope website on October 23, 2019. International Development Programs are projects implemented by international NGOs to improve the quality of life and health of a population. In an increasingly data-driven world, these projects are generating vast amounts of useful qualitative and quantitative data…

septembre 26, 2019

[CROSS-POST] Digital Development for Newbies, Part 1: The Basics

This blog was originally posted on DAI’s Digital @ DAI page on September 26, 2019. I joined DAI’s Center for Digital Acceleration (CDA) several months ago as an international development professional: familiar with ADS 302, Geo Code 937, Form AID 1420-17, among other industry acronyms, but a newcomer to the…

septembre 18, 2019

[CROSS-POST] 2nd Principle: Understanding the ecosystem

This blog was originally posted on the Soldevelo website on August 19, 2019. Another Principle for Digital Development we want to transform for the needs of the non-profit organizations is the understanding the existing ecosystem. It’s one of the most universal rules, that should be used by anyone in any…

septembre 16, 2019

[CROSS-POST] 5th Principle for Digital Development – Be Data-Driven

This blog was originally posted on the Soldevelo website on September 16, 2019. Big Data – one of the most popular topic in the last couple of years in the IT world. Use of the enormous amounts of information gathered by various machines changed some of the industries forever. We…