Principles report draft now open for public comment
Over the past year, we have worked to capture your voices and perspectives during the community discussion of the Principles for Digital Development. A draft of the synthesis report, From Principle to Practice: Implementing the Principles for Digital Development, is now available for public comment.
The goal of the report is to provide development decision-makers with practical, actionable guidance about how to operationalize the Principles, and how to overcome common barriers in moving from Principle to practice. The draft is being shared with you, the practitioner community, to welcome your inputs in creating a strong final product.
There are two mechanisms through which you can provide input to the draft:
- Use comments in the margin to highlight inaccuracies, inconsistencies, or other areas needing improvement.
- Use this survey to provide more detailed, substantive information, including suggested barriers, recommendations, perspectives, resources/tools, and case studies that could be added.
Thank you to those who have already contributed case studies through the online case study submission form. We are still working on moving these into the resources section at A number of the case studies that will be added to the website also will be highlighted in the final version of this report.
Last, but not least, we would like to be able to share a robust list of endorsing organizations in the final report. If your organization has not already endorsed the Principles, please consider doing so now so that we may include your organization in the final report.
Thanks in advance for your review and input.