Case Study: Design With the User to Empower the User: How Atma Connect and Indonesian Communities Work Together for the Common Good

AtmaGo is a social network that empowers low-income communities to prepare for, respond to and recover from natural disasters. AtmaGo offers users a digital platform to share neighborhood news, post and find jobs, and create local events. AtmaGo is inspired by and dedicated to the Indonesian idea of “gotong royong” which loosely translates to working together for the common good. Or, as Atma phrases it, “neighbors helping
neighbors.” The app connects neighbors around a location, provides community-based early warnings, and helps communities organize and participate in preventative activities.

For example, during an AtmaGo resilience event, the online community will come together in person to learn about and act to clean and unclog drains to prevent flooding. Participants then share these actions on AtmaGo, informing and inspiring others to join. By addressing the root causes of civic issues, and organizing as a community to take actionable steps, end-users collaborate on AtmaGo to find local solutions to local problems.